Thursday, April 24, 2014

It has been too long

It has too long since I have visited my own blog.  I have learned a lot about my family, but not enough.  I have been in contact with two family members from my McGill side.  Sarah McGill whose husband's great grandfather John McGill is a brother to my 2X great grandfather Patrick McGill.  They are still in Lake County Illinois.  I also was contacted by Jack McGill.  His 2X great grandfather was also John McGill.  There was another brother named Hugh McGill.  John and Hugh moved to Nebraska.  I think they moved after Patrick McGill died.  His widow stayed in Illinois probably because her family was in Illinois.  

I have two maybe three ancestors that are Patriots of the Revolutionary War.  I am in the process of applying to the DAR for membership.  I have ancestors in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, New York and Pennsylvania.  Patrick McGill's wife's parents and Patrick McGill are the first ancestors that I can find when they came to the US.  They came from Ireland, big surprise.  The name was also spelled Magill.  I think that Patrick came in 1851, but I am not sure.  I need to do more research but am not sure how to go about it.  

I want to go back to Indiana again this year.  I want to visit Evansville, Wabash, Lake County IL and hopefully Brown and Jackson County.  I am able to go to Salt Lake City about every two months, it helps to have a son who lives there, and do research.

I am hoping to learn how to do a website so I get all of my results in one place.

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