Thursday, April 24, 2014

It has been too long

It has too long since I have visited my own blog.  I have learned a lot about my family, but not enough.  I have been in contact with two family members from my McGill side.  Sarah McGill whose husband's great grandfather John McGill is a brother to my 2X great grandfather Patrick McGill.  They are still in Lake County Illinois.  I also was contacted by Jack McGill.  His 2X great grandfather was also John McGill.  There was another brother named Hugh McGill.  John and Hugh moved to Nebraska.  I think they moved after Patrick McGill died.  His widow stayed in Illinois probably because her family was in Illinois.  

I have two maybe three ancestors that are Patriots of the Revolutionary War.  I am in the process of applying to the DAR for membership.  I have ancestors in Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, New York and Pennsylvania.  Patrick McGill's wife's parents and Patrick McGill are the first ancestors that I can find when they came to the US.  They came from Ireland, big surprise.  The name was also spelled Magill.  I think that Patrick came in 1851, but I am not sure.  I need to do more research but am not sure how to go about it.  

I want to go back to Indiana again this year.  I want to visit Evansville, Wabash, Lake County IL and hopefully Brown and Jackson County.  I am able to go to Salt Lake City about every two months, it helps to have a son who lives there, and do research.

I am hoping to learn how to do a website so I get all of my results in one place.

Friday, November 23, 2012


I was in Indiana October 5 to the 13.  I had loads of fun.  I found 3 sets of Grandparents graves.  I also went to the Indiana Archives and found out information about my dad's parents.  Had a great time but not enough time.  I went to Jackson and Brown Counties but couldn't find the information that I wanted to find.  I plan to go back next year and hopefully will find out more.  I did find out more information about my Grandmother Hunter. 

I was at my Mother's last night for Thanksgiving and we started looking at pictures.  Here are pictures of my Grandpa Lenig. 

Below is the picture of my great grandparents.  Orlo Wilson and Anna Elizabeth Lovejoy Hill, Grandma Lenig's parents.
It was so exciting to find these pictures.  My Mom has a closet shelf full of pictures.  I plan on going over there one day with my scanner and just spend the day scanning pictures and getting the information from my Mom.  I have a picture of my Dad's parents.  I would love to find more and maybe some of his grandparents.  I have a picture of his grandmother, but I would love to find one when she was younger.  I hope I can connect to someone on that may have some.  He had an Uncle Loyd and an Aunt Hazel, his mother's siblings.  This is a lot of fun, but when you find information, you just realize that there is more to find.  This could be a full time job. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Here is a picture of my sister Kathy and Mom and Dad. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My parents

It has been awhile and I am sorry.  I am looking at and scanning old pictures that my Mom let me borrow.  I am having fun. There are a lot of nice pictures and I will share them soon, but here is one of my beautiful Mother,


my father in his navy days, and a picture of them taken 10/05/1943, the day after their wedding.  Aren't they so cute!  I love the way Daddy is looking at the ground and Mom looking at him.  

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Josefa Aurelia Perea Gonzalez

 We were at a family dinner today we got talking about my husbands family and names.  My sister-in-law is named Aurelia.   We were wondering who she was named after.  I found these pictures with the names listed below.  I thought at first they were different people, but when I looked at the tree, My father-In-Law's mother name is listed as Josefa Aurelia Perea Gonzalez.  I think that this is the same person, just at different ages.  There is a Aurelia Perea, Josefa's mother, but her name is would not have been Avila.  So, what do think, same person or not?

Josefa Avila

Aurelia Avila.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Old Pictures

I am taking a genealogy class through the North San Diego County Genealogical Society.  As with anything, the more you learn, the more you realize what you don't know.  I am enjoying it so far and I love to do the research.

Pedro Avila about 17    
James Avila about 17
We were in Santa Barbara a couple of weeks ago and I was able to look the information that my brother-in-law had and copied into my files.  The picture to the right is a picture of my father in law when he was about 17.  The one to the left is my son, James at about 17.  Almost like looking at the same person.  While looking for the picture of James, I found the pictures below.  I have no idea where I got the one of my mother, but I am thrilled that I have it.

Patti Lyn - 6 mos

Elizabeth A Lenig, 7 mos
 The one on the right is my Mother at about 7 months.  The one on the left is me at about 6 mos.  I don't think that we look alike.  Mom looks so serious.  The picture below is me kissing my cousin, Donny Jr.  This was taken Thanksgiving 1953.  That would have made me 2 years old.  Donny was a year younger than me. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

I found the information about my 2nd Great Grandfather, William Henry Harrison Lenig.  He served in the 199th regiment in Pennsylvania infantry from September 3, 1864 to June 28 1865.   He fought seven battles in Virginia.  He died in 1901 and was buried in Penfiled cemetary in Penfield Pa.  His grave marker was provided by veterns of the civil war.  His wife, Laura Levina Lenig is buried next to him.  I have a request for a picture of their graves.  I hope that it comes through.  I found them in the 1870, 1880 and the 1890 census.  They had a bunch of kids, eleven I think.  I think that my Great Grandfather Frank Lenig was the first or second.  I can't find William Lenig in the 1900 census and I should be able to find Lavina on the 1910 and I think 1920, but I haven't yet.  On the 1890 census it showed his occupation as a brickmaker.  I also found a record of him as a witness in a court case entilted Curtin vs. Yocum.  It sounds like the results of a congressional election was being contested.  I have his testimony.  I would like to find out more information about the case.

I am still having problems finding information about my Great Grandma Hunter and my Grandpa McGill.  There had to be a record of them somewhere.  I was thinking about paying, but their fees start at $1900.00.  I will keep struggling along.  The Carlsbad Library has a genealogy section and I am going tomorrow night while Victor and James are in their Ukelele class.  

The North County Genealogy Society has classes on beginning genealogy.  It is four weeks long it starts the middle of July.